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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
anand's BOUNCER 30
anand's CAMY 40 +bird 23
ananda's BOMB +bell 13
angel's british club +oval 32
anoo's fair & fresh +women 5
asha's PREM SAGAR +hearts 3
ashmick's SNACK SHACK 30
ashwani kumar's AKM mehraso 27
asia's GOLD CUP tea 30
asia's SUNNY tea 30
asia's tea ROSE 30
assam's AMRIT +cup & saucer 30
assam's FIVE STAR TEA +star 30
assam's MAYURI +peacock 30
b.s. KIRANMAY +oval & box 3
b.s. jain UNIVERSAL +globe 32
b.k.s. 11
baba-naga's SAFED HAATHI 30
bahubali's THUMS UP 24
baker's BASKET +basket 30
baker's DOZEN +chef & circl 30
baker's HUT +hut 29, 30
baker's TOUCH 11
baker's VILLE 29
baker's pride +ribbon 30
balaji's JESSI 30
balaji's blue lotus RITUDHA 16
bansal's garden fresh 555 30
bengal's CITIZEN S +plant 30
best 6's 16
bharat's I20 23
bharat's OAR SHADE +spade 23
bhawsar's BAJRANGLEP 5
bhawsar's BAJRANGLEP +circl 5
bhawsar's jai BAJRANG 5
bhl's dental tonic 5
bhowal's ABALA 85 CM 25
bhowal's ABALA 85CM 25
bhutan's DRUK 30, 32
bhutan's DRUK gold 29
bikaner's BINGO +box 19
bikaner's GAURAV papad 30
bio care's BIOFORCE +plant 1
bird's head 25
birla's CENTURY salt 30
bk's AGRO-FRESH jeera 30
bk's KARISHMA 25
blue's CLUE 28
blue's CLUES 28
bonafide's ECLAIRS 30
bottle & cat's head 3
boy's SST 25
c.s.c. PRO-FIT 21, 25
captain's CHOICE 33
chanakya i.a.s. academy 16
chaskazz's KING 42
chef's D.O.F 42
chef's MAGIC 29
chef's chic 29
chef's choice 31
chef's hat & cutlery 30
chef's hat & oval 9, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 43
chef's hat & stars 3, 4, 21, 24, 30, 33
chef's hat stars & square 31
chef's special +chef 30
chetty's GKR +woman 30
children's club +children 9
chowdhary's COCO +trees 23
cirkel's fine adhesives 12
clark's pharma 5
clone's dummy INC. 20
clone's figures & dummies 20
clone's models mfg. 20
cmc's KHANDESHI whole masal 30
cook-up a feast +chef's hat 29, 30
cotton's PRIDE 25
country condo's your home 36
cross colour's 25
cute-guy's 25
d.i.c.s +squares 16
d.t.a's DETCO 23
d.ta's SURYA poly 23
dairy den's YUMS 4, 7
dairy den's YUMS +oval 18
dairy den's YUMS +ovals 4, 7
dandekar's +horse 16
dc's KING +king & oval 2
de's PAPPU +face & oval 16
deccan's RAINBOW +feather 18
delhi's DEVILS +arrow 30
distiller's CREST 33
doctor's DRY N LIGHT brandy 33
doctor's LIKE 10
doctor's REMY SPECIAL 33
doctor's superia HDFC BANK 16
doctor's superia HDFC bank 36
dr pil's CLEAN & FRESH 5
dr. ambalkar's PSORAHEAL 5
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